How is this allowed to exist?
I’m a CS student who has to use Xcode for one of my classes. I will say, without a doubt, this is the worst IDE that I have ever used.
1) Its riddled with annoying bugs and inconsistencies.
2) The error highlighting gives very little explanation or feedback.
3a) When I add elements to the interface, it hides the corresponding code where I can’t seem to find it. (This coupled with number 2 makes debugging a nightmare.)
3b) The way the interface building works is redundant. (There are cases where I have to add an element to the storyboard, connect that element to something else, change the properties of the elements in the utilities section, and then add code to the ViewController. Why? After I add the elements and make the connections, why can’t it just ask for the properties that are needed and generate the code from that?)
4) There is no refactoring for Swift, even though it’s been two and a half years since it was introduced. (Not even renaming! How is that even possible? XCode knows that my code breaks when I change a variable name in one place, but leave it the same in another. But, somehow it can’t use that same kind of tracking to allow simple name refactoring?)
5) Every time I update, my previous work gets broken. (To be fair, this one is probably due more to Swift than to XCode. I could write a very long rant about the problems with Swift in and of itself.)
Xcode ties my hands when I need to take control, but at the same time, the things it should be able to do on its own are either buggy or flat-out nonexistent. It is the worst of both extremes. I spend more time helping Xcode than Xcode spends helping me.
JEimn about
Xcode, v8.1