7.3 is not usable for me
7.3 is pretty much not usable. Larger files can’t be viewed in the editor… Xcode continuously shifts the screen position up and down a few lines at a time every time it repaints/recolorizes the text. Worse yet, it doesn’t redraw the screen right when it does this, so I see half-line artifacts all over the place. It’s impossible to tell which line you’re on. Even after CTRL-L to redraw the screen, as soon as you start typing, it does the aforementioned scrolling bit, shifting you off the line you thought you were on, then drops the artifacts all over the screen so you can’t tell where it shifted you to. You can see the line numbers on the left side shifting up and down, while the actually code window either doesn’t change or becomes filled with artifacts.
You can’t edit the same file in two windows, either. If you open a window to one function in a file and then open another window to another function in the same file, the first window becomes painfully slow. It takes several seconds for each keypress to appear on the screen. Autocomplete takes forever. Only recourse is to close the unresponsive window.
Breakpoints aren’t working right either. I put them on one line, but the code halts several lines away. Redoing a clean build solves the problem for a while, but it comes back.
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